El (ayl) Erekh (ereKh) Apayim (a ohpt pa YEEM) avi (ah-vee) HaTanchumim (haw-tan-khoo-MEEM): You are My God of Patience and
Consolation. Erekh “apayim” means “patient” and “tanchumim” is the Hebrew word for “consolation” (which comes from nichum, nichumin
= “comforts”).
“Now the God ELOHIM of patience endurance and the consolation grant you to be likeminded give you like thoughts one
toward among another according to Christ Jesus MESSIAH YAH SHUA: That ye may with one mind unanimity and one mouth glorify GodELOHIM, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ YAH SHUA MESSIAH.” Romans 15:5-6